Our Philosophy

At UserTutor Corp. we believe that today’s business environment need not be an intimidating or complex prospect; that a little knowledge goes a long way in enabling persons to utilize their abilities at greater capacity, and to get the most out of their experiences.

The strength of our conviction resides in: “those who know sharing their experiences with those who would like to know”.

Our first official project, The UserTutor Community, was purposed towards computer training, but as the year progressed our beliefs evolved beyond the limiting definitions of technology. The community has also developed to reflect that evolution. Our focus is primarily business oriented, and offered for persons to improve their skill sets, share their experiences, and ultimately exceed themselves.

The vision of UserTutor Corp.
An interactive community of persons perpetuating understanding, pursuing hopes, and achieving for the common benefit of practiced livelihood.

The mission of UserTutor Corp.
To facilitate the development of our envisioned community through technological means and person to person relationships.

“All experience starts with the first experience!”