Ten Years Service As A Software

As we head into the new year, 2018, we hope everyone finds it a transition to newness.  A time to say goodbye to yesterday’s mistakes and hello to tomorrow’s possibilities. For us, it is also a time to be grateful for ten years of service.  It was January 1, 2008 when UserTutor Corp. was officially … Read more

UserTutor Corporation CEO

James Hill, CEO of UserTutor Corporation and presently serving as President for the Board of Directors, shares his insights and reflections on the direction of the company. On January 1, 2008 UserTutor Corporation was officially registered as a federal corporation.  At that time I was network administrator for a non-profit in Alberta where, in addition to … Read more

Investment and Return

Investment is more than money.  Investment is a devoting, using or giving of time, talent, emotional energy, or any other resource for a purpose or to achieve a goal. And no matter how large and valuable the investment, the goal always remains the most important part. That goal is the hoped for return that would make any investment … Read more

Back Online, New Design

We have patiently waited in line for our website development 🙂 and we are pleased to be back online and sporting our new design!  A big shout out to Data49 Design for their development work and getting us back online quickly, and huge thanks also to theTechPlex for setting up all the security and support … Read more

The UserTutor Website

The UserTutor website is now available to the public.  You are invited to browse our pages to learn more about our company, and to avail yourself to the products and services made available. Contact us with any questions or feedback, and please return again.