UserTutor Corporation CEO

James Hill, CEO of UserTutor Corporation and presently serving as President for the Board of Directors, shares his insights and reflections on the direction of the company.

James Hill, President & CEOOn January 1, 2008 UserTutor Corporation was officially registered as a federal corporation.  At that time I was network administrator for a non-profit in Alberta where, in addition to my server and network duties, I would teach managers and clients computer and program use. It was an enjoyable experience and where I discovered my ease with instruction and my delight when someone would “get it”.

Unfortunately, as with any non-profit, funding changes from year to year and I was given a year’s notice that cutbacks would affect my position.  That final year I took opportunity and began developing the groundwork for a business that would teach computer use.  And as is often the case with most business endeavours the direction of the company went through a series of evolutions to bring it to its present day position.

And so, what exactly is UserTutor Corporation today?  I think the best description would be that UserTutor Corporation is a dynamic business model whose primary product is itself.

I believe that learning is a never ending pursuit for everyone from which we build our livelihoods and meet the needs of our households.  And further to that I believe the best teaching comes through experience, and the best experiences come through community.  From these persuasions UserTutor Corporation functions and serves.

UserTutor Corporation is a dynamic business model whose primary product is itself.

Now the end to which it serves is to encourage others to identify their career passions and step out in pursuit of those dreams, and to work alongside those entrepreneurs who are willing to pursue their goals by helping carry some of their load.  A simpler version is that UserTutor Corporation seeks to foster and encourage a belief that deliberately pursues its goal.

As much as I liked when someone’s light bulb would suddenly flash on as they grasped a new concept I taught, I enjoy witnessing the realization of accomplishment even more.  When a person takes a chance on an idea or vision they’ve held and we are allowed to walk alongside, I think I can thrill as much for their gain as I can when attaining my own ambitions.

UserTutor Corporation seeks to foster and encourage a belief that deliberately pursues its goal.

On a less personal scale I am convinced that the ever changing landscape for business and entrepreneurial pursuits is not like it was in decades past.  Stone SoupThe “dream” in former times was to pursue and become all you could be, and the availability of resources and opportunities could support such individual endeavour.  However, I think a more collective approach – like Stone Soup (ref. Wikipedia) – is the foundation of individual achievement today.  A little bit each from the members of the community and all benefit from the collective result.

To such ends the company began with our current Associates, providing them the technical supports of hosting and the administrative supports of bookkeeping, invoicing, collection, and reception.  We later added an umbrella of corporate benefits where the premiums are reduced as more persons are introduced to the plans.  In exchange we receive a best price assurance on all our projects and each associate’s specific skill sets and experience.

A little bit each from the members of the community and all benefit from the collective result.

Working alongside TheTechPlex, Data49, and Blog Writes has enable the realization of the Nositeunseen Network – a structured hosting framework and network that encourages collective participation of its members and encourages others to be involved in their own entrepreneurial pursuits.  That framework supports our eFranchises and eCommunities in addition to the general website hosting of the network.

Now the coding and features would be complex posts on their own but I feel the most important feature of the network is that no member is alone.  Our associates and UserTutor Corporation are skilled and experienced in our areas of practice and we are actively available to the community and its members.  No one is tossed into the deep end of website operation or their business pursuits.  My own experience is that helping others becomes contagious as they also help others through the interconnectedness of the network system – the community.

My own history has its share of victories and its share of long, laborious challenges and I know how difficult it can be to be convinced in the validity of a pursuit only to find it so very difficult to carry the loads that accompany the process of realization.  It is such an immense lift when someone grabs a corner and helps lift.  Even the smallest interest to assist generates huge reserves of strength.

helping others becomes contagious as they also help others through the interconnectedness of the network system – the community.

Our network system is intended for that purpose.  To grab a corner, and to encourage others to grab a corner.  That collective participation is the key to the sought after individual achievements.

And what does the future hold?  We are looking at introducing our corporate umbrella to our members in order to extend what we can provide administratively, and to further reduce benefits premiums by involving more persons in the plans.  Other than that I think the sky would be the limit.  There’s really nothing that a group of like-minded persons cannot accomplish when working together.