Going the Distance – Part 2

Ali was changed in his pursuit.  He trained so that his arms were muscled stronger than they had ever been, and his ligaments and tendons were toughened. In the fight they were battered and bruised right to the bones but still delivered when he started throwing his finishing combinations.  He also trained those combinations over and … Read more

Going the Distance – Part 1

The world has lost another great champion as Muhammad Ali, or Cassius Clay as some also remember him, recently passed away. A three time heavyweight champion, Ali further distinguished himself as an Olympic gold medallist in the light-heavyweight division, won 56 of his 61 fights in which he held a 31 fight win streak. There are … Read more

Our Philosophy

At UserTutor Corp. we believe that today’s business environment need not be an intimidating or complex prospect; that a little knowledge goes a long way in enabling persons to utilize their abilities at greater capacity, and to get the most out of their experiences. The strength of our conviction resides in: “those who know sharing … Read more

The nositeunseen network

The Nositeunseen™ network is an investment project of UserTutor Corporation, and one that we’ve been pleased to be developmentally involved with. The network began as the concept of a single web applications developer and has grown to include the programs of several developers and adapted within a single framework of WordPress. This project went live … Read more