What’s the Difference?

What’s the difference between a product or service for sale, and a solution to an identified problem that costs a few dollars? The answer is, subjective value.   “The idea that an object’s value is not inherent, and is instead worth more to different people based on how much they desire or need the object. The Subjective … Read more

The World Needs Dreams – Part 2

When and how provide the dynamic elements to the who, what, and where.  Tying them all together with the strength that supports tenacity and endurance is the why. The dream has taken on substance by this point in the exercise.  It is clearer what the dream is about and what it is intended to accomplish … Read more

The World Needs Dreams – Part 1

Dreams are why we seek to survive and why we seek to progress.  Dreams hold a promise for tomorrow. For a dream to achieve full usefulness it needs to be tested, refined and put to work because on its own a dream is only a wish about life.  It requires substance and definition in order to become effective … Read more

UserTutor Corporation CEO

James Hill, CEO of UserTutor Corporation and presently serving as President for the Board of Directors, shares his insights and reflections on the direction of the company. On January 1, 2008 UserTutor Corporation was officially registered as a federal corporation.  At that time I was network administrator for a non-profit in Alberta where, in addition to … Read more

Investment and Return

Investment is more than money.  Investment is a devoting, using or giving of time, talent, emotional energy, or any other resource for a purpose or to achieve a goal. And no matter how large and valuable the investment, the goal always remains the most important part. That goal is the hoped for return that would make any investment … Read more

Tested Concepts

We called this category “Ideas”, however it is more about tested concepts that have proven themselves viable in our use and experience.  It is here that we will share these concepts from time to time with the hopes it will benefit others as it has us.  Though we cannot guarantee the results that others may … Read more