Investment and Return

Investment is more than money.  Investment is a devoting, using or giving of time, talent, emotional energy, or any other resource for a purpose or to achieve a goal.

investAnd no matter how large and valuable the investment, the goal always remains the most important part. That goal is the hoped for return that would make any investment successful.

Investments can be risky.  There’s none that could be truly deemed a sure thing because the outcome remains an unknown at the time of investment.  Many people will not take that risk because of what they stand to lose, and that is prudent consideration, but many if not all great accomplishments are the result of chancing an investment.

In truth, everyone is an investor at many times throughout his or her life.  Parents invest time, money and experience into their future expectations for their child.  They will invest for years because they’re committed to the goal and deem it more valuable than what is contributed.

And they are persuaded their goal is attainable.  At its very essence, investment is an act of faith.  And a successful investment is the result of persuaded faith.

Getting to bed early and setting the alarm the night before an important meeting or interview is an investment.  Working for a week or two in anticipation of a pay cheque is an investment.  Filling sandbags alongside the community to avert damages from a flood is an investment.  Each has a goal in mind that outweighs the initial cost

At its very essence, investment is an act of faith.  And a successful investment is the result of persuaded faith.

At UserTutor Corporation what we have discovered over the years is the more personal the goal, the more motivated is the pursuit.  The more motivated the pursuit, the higher the probability of success.  That has formed the foundation of all our own investments.

And what do we invest in?  We invest in committed investors, because committed investors always contribute to a greater good.

The more motivated the pursuit, the higher the probability of success.

Investment in our Associates was made possible because of their own investments.  Each had goals in mind that involved family, community, contribution.  Their goals were productive and they were committed to realizing those objectives.  Their chances of success were quite high and we were willing to invest in their attainment.

Investment in all our projects was made possible by all the investors involved – our clients, Associates, personnel.  Their collective goals served community and we were willing to be part of those realizations.

Now our latest opportunity for eFranchises is built upon that same model.  When we review each application we are looking for evidence of an  investor.  A person or persons who are willing to commit to their own goals and focus on its success.  We in turn invest the competitive, technological edge that would normally cost thousands of dollars and help create an opportunity for many to generate a useful livelihood through the eFranchise network.

More about eFranchise

A final note:
Investment for a return of money is not a personal goal, however what can be done with that money is.  Define and commit to that goal and money often finds its way to points along that path.