Online Is Not Just For The Young

There is a singular and marked advantage among senior populations over middle-aged and younger Internet entrepreneurs. Experience. This advantage of years of accumulated wisdom grants them both a competitive edge, and a respected role as mentors.  Online there are no appreciable advantages in being strong or swift.  Nor does an abundance of wealth play a huge part.  What does matter … Read more

Marketing Associate

UserTutor Corporation is looking for an associate with marketing and promotion skills to become a part of our team. What we look for in our associates foremost is their ability to learn, followed by the ability to assess and determine what is required for any project undertaken.  As with all our associates, the Marketing Associate will have a … Read more

Business Resource Associate

UserTutor Corporation is looking for an associate with business training and coaching skills to become a part of our team. What we look for in our associates foremost is their ability to learn, followed by the ability to assess and determine what is required for any project undertaken.  As with all our associates, the Business Resource … Read more

Investment and Return

Investment is more than money.  Investment is a devoting, using or giving of time, talent, emotional energy, or any other resource for a purpose or to achieve a goal. And no matter how large and valuable the investment, the goal always remains the most important part. That goal is the hoped for return that would make any investment … Read more

Our Philosophy

At UserTutor Corp. we believe that today’s business environment need not be an intimidating or complex prospect; that a little knowledge goes a long way in enabling persons to utilize their abilities at greater capacity, and to get the most out of their experiences. The strength of our conviction resides in: “those who know sharing … Read more