The Making of a Hosting Service

We have watched with interest as a hosting system that claims to operate using artificial intelligence has promoted itself on-line.

Website Hosting ServiceThe notion they seek to instil is that their websites intuitively build themselves in an aesthetically pleasing manner without extensive effort or skills required by the website admins.  Prior to their recent beta release they had already pre-sold over $5 million of hosting accounts.

Their marketing campaign was obviously quite successful.  To sell multiple millions of dollars sight unseen takes skilled persuasion.  As to the product, their beta release will likely speak for itself.

From our own position we have concluded that the marketing exceeds the product at this point.  The initial, scheduled release date was stalled as were a few subsequent release dates until this final beta version was made available to the pre-purchasers.  Initial feedback shares concensus that the system is quite slow in operation, and that responsive features were lacking.  As to the claim of utilizing artificial intelligence we conclude it does not.  Just by reason alone that website admins have the option to edit their websites manually if they do not like the automated results indicates the programming scripts do not problem solve.

Their marketing campaign was obviously quite successful.  To sell multiple millions of dollars sight unseen takes skilled persuasion.

So we have had to ask ourselves, What were people buying when they pre-purchased their hosting?  They were purchasing a system that would do the work for them.  They were purchasing a system that would eliminate the expense and need for designers or coders.

When we compare this to the intentions we shared with our Associates in building the Nositeunseen Network we find that we cannot compare.  Instead of a system that does the work for website admins, we have designed a system in which technical support works alongside the admins in pursuing their vision.  Instead of a system that eliminates the need for designers and coders, the network provides a system that invites various skill sets to participate in their own website development and to offer their skills to other members as one-off or ongoing business.

Our belief in building the network is that a system must encourage sharing the work, inviting the skills, and earning a livelihood.  It needs to be a community in order to be a successful system.

Instead of a system that does the work for website admins, we have designed a system in which technical support works alongside the admins in pursuing their vision.

The Nositeunseen Network contains a solidly coded framework which includes built-in visual design tools to assist designers and developers of any skill level.  A great deal of coding and development has gone into performance, updates and security to create a stable and useful product in addition to researching and incorporating proven open source and developer licensed software to optimize costs to greatest advantage.

But the real strength of the network is, the people.

Instead of a system that eliminates the need for designers and coders, the network provides a system that invites various skill sets to participate in their own website development and to offer their skills to other members as one-off or ongoing business.

The automated processes for updates include on-hand technicians so that if anything should glitch a real person is present, and skilled, to resolve any such glitch quickly and efficiently.  Our associates are members of the network and each eCommunity so they can be contacted directly by any website member of those networks for assistance or answers.  Our associates are also directly involved with the client forums to provide assistance and support.

And every member website involves real persons striving to earn their living and lending their experiences to other members, or receiving support from others, or collaborating on promotions or designs to collectively benefit their goals.

the real strength of the network is, the people

The Nositeunseen Network is designed with the UserTutor core vision in mind:
“An interactive community of persons perpetuating understanding, pursuing hopes, and achieving for the common benefit of practiced livelihood.”

What the network utilizes is Real Intelligence – not Artificial – and it promotes livelihood rather than eliminates it.

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