Marketing Associate

UserTutor Corporation is looking for an associate with marketing and promotion skills to become a part of our team. What we look for in our associates foremost is their ability to learn, followed by the ability to assess and determine what is required for any project undertaken.  As with all our associates, the Marketing Associate will have a … Read more

Business Resource Associate

UserTutor Corporation is looking for an associate with business training and coaching skills to become a part of our team. What we look for in our associates foremost is their ability to learn, followed by the ability to assess and determine what is required for any project undertaken.  As with all our associates, the Business Resource … Read more


Having training and credentials is a solid asset to possess, but additionally at UserTutor Corp. one of the features we look at when reviewing candidates for employment or as associates is what they have done on their own to exceed themselves. And so, a few words on autodidacticism: Self-Directed Learning (Autodidacticism) Definition: “A process in … Read more