There is a singular and marked advantage among senior populations over middle-aged and younger Internet entrepreneurs.
This advantage of years of accumulated wisdom grants them both a competitive edge, and a respected role as mentors. Online there are no appreciable advantages in being strong or swift. Nor does an abundance of wealth play a huge part. What does matter is both business sense and common sense, and every senior has decades of experience that lends to that wealth of resources.
So why are many seniors having difficulty in their retirement? Why are they not opening up an online store or consulting business or any number of services and really augmenting what are often meagre retirement benefits?
Unfortunately what further matters alongside experience is technological expertise, which tends to be a stumbling block for many golden-agers. Surfing the Internet can be intimidating enough without trying to conduct business online. And many are further dealing with the stresses of those often meagre retirement benefits.
Some startling points:
- Older Canadians remain some of the most financially vulnerable members of our communities
- 11 million Canadians now do not have access to workplace pension plans
- 30% of older Canadian women live below the poverty line
- 606,000 older Canadians live “in low income” according to the after-tax low income measure
So why are many seniors having difficulty in their retirement?
An abundance of wealth does not play a huge part in giving any notable advantages online, but a lack of adequate resources does cause a substantial obstacle. Getting online to do business requires an investment of time and resources. To learn how to navigate the Internet, conduct transactions through ecommerce, and establish an online presence are facets that require payment and are typically higher than can be afforded among the low income.
And that is one of the reasons UserTutor was founded, and why the hosting model on Nositeunseen was developed, and why the opportunity of eFranchising was developed. All were developed with the intention of helping others pursue and develop their livelihood. And that includes our seniors population.
what further matters alongside experience is technological expertise, which tends to be a stumbling block for many golden-agers
The Nositeunseen hosting provides a purchased service where the costs have been evaluated at the best price for value. And it is the entirety of the cost.
The network that “just works” is built to support and assist entrepreneurs while further allowing them to focus on their business without the distractions of website upkeep. Website operators do not have to be concerned with the typical additional costs for backups or server maintenance, security or updates. And the feedback of various professionals from web design to business management is free and accessible because they are members of the network, too. This is that technological expertise – already active and available to retirees. Seniors are not alone for support consultations and assistance.
And this support community of the network that “just works” under-girds every eFranchise opportunity, with the additional benefit of being zero dollar investment. We look to partner with entrepreneurs who have an idea or service or product that we can take across a wider range market and provide more opportunities to others to become involved and create their own online presence. An excellent example is one of our favourite eFranchises,, who is taking their brand across the country and providing opportunities to eFranchisees and Vendors to establish their own online businesses – again with no money down.
This is that technological expertise – already active and available to retirees. Seniors are not alone for support consultations and assistance
Every eCommunity is built to provide support and assistance, and to invite and encourage the same from every member. For our senior populations, these opportunities are available to explore and establish strengthened revenues by using the experience and skills they already possess. And every senior can be a huge assistance to advise and mentor the younger entrepreneurs within the community they choose.
Ready to open your online business?
Need ready-to-go eCommerce? Bring your own product or start off with some in-house items.
Become a Bargain Central Vendor
Have an idea, product or service that has possibilities for a wider market?