Microthemer, Meet Beaver Builder

When you find amazing talent in two different locations you have no choice but to introduce the one to the other.

Microthemer, meet Beaver BuilderOur Nositeunseen network project provides fully managed WordPress hosting, and one of the features that continues to grow in popularity is the Visual Designer available in every hosted website.  

And that visual designer is comprised of two major players in WordPress development plugins: Microthemer by Themeover, and Beaver Builder by FastLine Media LLC.

The result is a truly symbiotic relationship between visual styling and visual layout design.

Now to avoid any confusion going forward, although the Visual Designer uses licensed versions of both products, it does not imply affiliation with or endorsement by either Themeover or FastLine Media. 

There!  Now let’s get on to the really fun part.  We have been a huge fan of Microthemer since the early days not long following its introduction to the WordPress marketplace.  The interface allows navigating the website it is installed on and selectively editing elements by adding complex style rules visually.  As it continued to evolve it included double click to edit which significantly reduced the need to build a theme template of selectors – or targeted design elements.  

Our Affiliate, Data49 Design, has replicated entire non-Wordpress websites into WordPress themes in less than a day using the style editor.  Upon their recommendation Microthemer became the style editor of choice offered in the Nositeunseen network.  However, what was lacking was the php and jQuery elements.  For visual designers, that was a necessity.

Beaver Builder by FastLine MediaEnter Beaver Builder, a visual drag and drop layout editor – and more.  First introduced to us by our friend Lyle Chamney of SniffleValve.com, we were intrigued by the ease of development it offered.  Drag and drop any number of combination of elements and modules – sliders, accordions, videos, and more – and build a webpage that includes all the needed coding already built in.  Select entire page templates with a click and have an immediate landing page, front page, contact page, coming soon page, and other – all awaiting the website operator’s own unique content. 

So there we were with Microthemer on the one hand already providing visual styling, and then we had Beaver Builder on the other hand providing the structural design perfect for most any website operator and end user.  What to do?  What to do.

When you find amazing talent in two different locations you have no choice but to introduce the one to the other.

Visual Designer - Microthemer and Beaver BuilderMicrothemer, meet Beaver Builder 🙂

With a bit of tweaking we called the Beaver Builder editor into the Microthemer interface giving a one window editor for complete WordPress theme design.  All visual – no code skills required.

Now why, you may ask, would we reveal that these two fine products comprise our Visual Designer?  Well, we could seek a white label approach and lead our clients to thinks it’s all ours, but that ends up counter to our vision and to the reason the Nositeunseen network exists in the first place.

The vision of UserTutor Corp.
An interactive community of persons perpetuating understanding, pursuing hopes, and achieving for the common benefit of practiced livelihood.

Both Microthemer and Beaver Builder are the end result of dedicated effort, high end skills, and a vision – and credit is due where it is due.  Themeover and FastLine Media both deliver extremely talented programming and we must admit they have delivered beyond our expectations and beyond what we may have developed in house.  But even further, using both these programs is just plain old-fashioned good business, and part of our operation is to live by the standards we endorse for good business – which include economy and delegation.  By licensing the work of such immense talent we have saved on our overhead, which translates to better pricing for our clients.

Collectively we and our Associates have developed a growing expertise with both products so that we can better support all our clients in their use of the Visual Designer.  We handle all requests and questions, but – and here’s another of those good business points – we virtually have an amazing research and development team in both product developers as they continue to improve, update, and evolve their products.  What we would pay in house versus what we pay in license – well, no contest!

For those doing their own hosting and WordPress development we highly recommend both designers:

Meet Microthemer – and – Meet Beaver Builder

For those who want to focus on design, or conducting their online business, without the distractions of website management and upkeep then you will want to enjoy the Visual Designer and Full support available to every website on the network that “just works”.  Nositeunseen.

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